gehalteteken op bovenzijde: sterling
meesterteken op bovenzijde: langwerpig kader met o in het midden
: Noord Amerika ?
schenking 2020 5415 in depot
"Players ante into a pot and take turns spinning the top. Any number of players may play. If the top lands with T1 showing (or “take one”), T2 or T3, the player who spun it would win (take) 1, 2 or 3 chips, respectively, from the pot. If it landed with the star or “Take All” showing, he would take all the chips from the pot. If it landed P1 (or “put one”), P2 or P3, he would lose (put) 1, 2 or 3 of his chips, respectively, into the pot. If it landed “0” or “Put All” or “All Put,” each player would contribute one chip to the pot. The top would pass to the next player after each spin. (There are many rule variations. For example, “Put All” could mean that the spinner matches the pot!)"