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Thopas in de Raadhuisstraat : het verhaal achter één huis en vier portretten / Peter L. Goutbeek . - ill.. - In:   , 2017 , p. 1-25

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Augenlust? : Niederländische Stilleben im Detail / Alexandra Käss [et. al.]. - Dresden : Sandstein Verlag , 2022

Standaard plaatscodeQ.b.17E/Käss
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Gender and Self-Fashioning at the Intersection of Art and Science : Agnes Block, Botany, and Networks in teh Dutch 17th Century / Catherine Powell-Warren. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press , 2024.- ()

Standaard plaatscodeI.c.Block/Powe.
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Labour and art succeed where nature falls short : The patronage and artistic networking of Agnes Block / Catherine Powell-Warren . - ill.. - In:   , 2021 , p. 111-124

..\..\DAT\bibliotheek\publicaties\2021 Labour and Art Where Nature Has Falled Short.pdf
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